Archive of ‘Creating’ category

Summary in Stop Motion

I decided to make my final summary of learning video for DCMOOC through a stop motion film. I had a ton of fun creating it, even though it was a lot of work! I used the app Stop Motion, which was easy to use and convenient to export to drop box or my camera roll. I am excited to teach my students about this tool and use it in my classroom! Check out the video and let me know what you think. Enjoy.


This week, I decided to do a little research on GIFs. I found out that GIF stands for Graphics Interchange Format. To my understanding, they are images that are compressed to reduce the file size, which end up making a new picture format. I finally decided to create some of my own GIFs. I searched for some tutorials, and I stumbled upon the website There are a lot of programs and websites out there to create GIFs, but I found this one really easy to use!

The first GIF is of my sister wake boarding and then wiping out. When she wipes out it looks like she gets sucked into the water. It never fails to make me laugh.

Jenn's Wake boarding Fail on Make A Gif

The second one is of me wiping out on an artificial wave machine called the Flow Rider. Yes, it is slightly embarrassing, but it makes for a good GIF.

FlowRider Wipeout on Make A Gif

Let me know what you think of the GIFs I made, and then create your own!
