I had such a fun time creating my Final Summary of Learning! With some of my classmates from the course, we created a video on iMovie about what we learned over the semester. Through an interview format, we each addressed our favourite tool that we learned about and displayed how it works. We used On Air Hangouts on Google Plus to show videos of the tools. We struggled in knowing how to import the on air videos into iMovie, but with a little help, we managed to figure it out! The video we created is only a small portion of what I learned over the course. Check out my other blog posts to see what else I have been learning over the semester.
I hope you enjoy our Final Summary of Learning!
Today was the last day of classes in my undergraduate degree. It is hard to be believe how fast four years went by! I have grown so much as a person in these four years, and my passion for teaching has also grown. Funny to think that I was so adamant against teaching when I had to choose my career path in high school, and now I can’t see myself doing anything else. I was recently looking through a journal I kept through internship, and I came across a list I wrote about what I learned during my 4 months of teaching. This list is a good reminder of what I should be focusing on as I enter my teaching career. I guess it’s time to start a new chapter of my life and wrap up the previous one!

This semester, I was able to learn alongside an amazing educator from Ontario. She is someone who integrates technology in the classroom, who is innovative with the curriculum and who is willing to “hack the classroom”. Michelle Cordy was my mentor this semester, and she showed me useful ways to bring technology in the classroom as a beneficial tool for learning. I am confident that my learning from her will go past the duration of this semester and I will continue to stay connected with her! Check out the interview we had and I guarantee you will learn some great stuff!
Michelle’s Blog: http://hacktheclassroom.ca/
Michelle’s Twitter: @cordym