May 2014 archive

Digital Citizenship… Starts in the Classroom

Kids are constantly plugged in online and exposed to the digital world. As teachers, we can make a positive difference in our student’s lives by teaching them about being digital citizens right in our very own classrooms. It is our job to influence children to be engaged online in constructive and innovative ways so that they carry on a positive digital footprint outside of the classroom. One of the main messages that I want to share with my students is that…

“Digital citizenship isn’t just about recognizing and dealing with online hazards. It’s about building safe spaces & communities, understanding how to manage personal information, and about being Internet savvy- using your online presence to grow & shape your world in a safe, creative, way and inspiring others to do the same.” (Digizen).

I want this quote to be posted in my classroom so that I am constantly reminded of these things at all times. I am beginning to realize how significant it is that I teach my students the importance of being positive and influential digital citizens. I want to help them develop their online skills so that they can be effective online and inspire others to do the same.

As teachers, we have the chance to show our students the endless possibilities that technology can bring. It is crucial that we give our students the chance to develop their digital footprint. Kids are now developing digital identities at a young age, and we have the amazing opportunity as teachers to show them the value of a positive digital identity. Their world can be expanded by sharing their ideas and thoughts with positive communities and networks online, giving them an audience for their work. The digital world allows students to be authentic, engaged, and creative. As teachers, we are fortunate that we can help students develop positive digital citizenship and help them grow and progress in their digital journeys.
