Posts Tagged ‘New Teacher’

New Teacher Nerves

In 25 days, a new chapter of my life will begin. I will start my teaching career; what I have worked so hard towards for the past four years. And even though I went through school to learn how to become a teacher, I feel like my learning is just beginning. There are many ups and downs as a new teacher, and the learning curve is huge. I have many apprehensions and at times I feel very unprepared. I wish I had a better understanding of what I will experience for my first year, how I should handle certain situations, and even how I should organize my academic year.

Since I have so many unanswered questions, it has been very helpful for me to collaborate with other teachers and educators. There is so much to learn from other teachers who are engaged online and willing to share resources, ideas, and helpful tips. Technology plays a huge role in preparing me for my upcoming teaching year. I am lucky to be a teacher in a time that allows me to share and gather resources online. I can connect with other educators through blogs, Twitter, Pinterest, Teachers Pay Teachers, and even Facebook. I find that teachers who are connected online and are active with social media are quick to answer questions and help me with my uneasiness about my first year of teaching!

25 days from now will be the start of an unfamiliar experience, and to say I’m nervous is an understatement. I feel like I have so much more to understand and prepare for, but at the same time, I have to take everyday as it comes. I realize that things won’t always run smoothly and will probably seem chaotic at times, but I will continue to learn from my mistakes and experiences as I go along.

As a first year grade 3/4 teacher, I would love to hear any advice, tips, or ideas from other experienced teachers. I am excited to experience my first year of teaching alongside other educators by connecting online! I plan on using blogging and Twitter in the classroom, so any advice on how to get things started in those areas would be great. Let me know your thoughts!
