An Update on What I’m Learning

There is so much that I learned from George Couros on Tuesday that it is hard to put it into words! He presented to my ECMP 355 class about what he looks for in a teacher, but he touched on many more topics that a future teacher like myself should know! I will break it down for you. Here are some highlights that I got from his presentation.

1. Work with students to develop a love for learning.
-As a teacher, I need to motivate my students to not only be learners in the classroom, but in life. The learning should go beyond the classroom, and as a teacher it is my job to encourage that learning. I need to make sure that they are not dependant on me, and that they are willing to learn on their own. I need to inspire my students to keep the learning going.

2. Focus on “character education”.
-I need to remember that I have more than one job in the classroom. I am not solely there to teach students content. I am there to help develop kids as people.

3.There is value in participating online in a positive way.
-Whether I go online or not, I will still have a digital footprint. It is important for me to make my own voice heard online, rather than someone else’s. In the past, people have told me to remove myself from social media because it is dangerous. However, it is much more important to have myself on the internet in a positive way than not having a place online at all.
-The idea of having a positive image online is also important for students to learn. This is why having technology in the classroom is crucial. As a teacher, I can model and share with students how to effectively use the internet in a positive way.

4. Connect with kids first.
-It is crucial for teachers to have an ability to build relationships with students. When teachers have relationships with their students, then students are more willing to learn and are more responsive to what they are being taught. I need to be willing to teach the kids first, and the curriculum second. I need to relate the content to my student’s lives. When I engage with the students and draw relevance from their lives to what is being taught, then the learning goes so much deeper.

You can connect with George Couros through Twitter: @gcouros or Blog:


4 Comments on An Update on What I’m Learning

  1. Deanna
    February 10, 2014 at 4:56 am (10 years ago)

    Amanda this is great! I think if you have the same mentality in the classroom as you do in this blog you will be an amazing teacher. It is so important to go beyond the classroom with our students! I think once we connect and individually get to know students more opportunities and meaningful teaching will occur.

    • Amanda Brace
      February 11, 2014 at 8:42 pm (10 years ago)

      Thanks Deanna! I agree that so many more opportunities open up when we move to a personal level with our students.

  2. Melinda Betteridge
    February 10, 2014 at 5:59 pm (10 years ago)

    I agree that George Couros touched on many great things that future teachers, like ourselves, should know. The point that connected with me the most is that we have to not only teach students, but develop their love for their own learning. Like George said, ‘Students must know how to learn and want to learn once they move out of our classrooms.’ Great blog post talking about some of the many things George talked about!

    • Amanda Brace
      February 11, 2014 at 8:42 pm (10 years ago)

      I completely agree on the importance of students wanting to learn! Students themselves need to realize the importance of learning and how to use it.


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