My Digital Footprint

As you can tell from my last post, I have been learning a lot about digital footprints. I am making an effort to create a positive digital footprint, and luckily our tech task this week helps with this. We were asked to create an About Me page to promote ourselves in a positive way.

Here is a the link:

We were also asked to google ourselves and post the results. I first googled myself by typing in Amanda Brace, and I just found links to my Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.
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I decided to make my search more limited, so I typed in Amanda Brace Regina. I found links that talked about myself when I Synchronized Swimming competitor. I even found out that I was mentioned in a newspaper called the Montreal Gazette when I competed in Italy for a Masters Competition. I had no clue! It is interesting to find out what people will stumble upon if they search your name.

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4 Comments on My Digital Footprint

  1. chloehughes
    February 8, 2014 at 8:51 pm (10 years ago)

    I was always thinking it was better to have very little about myself online. This task brings a new perspective and appreciation of all the good things that we all do. Why should we not share it?

    • Amanda Brace
      February 11, 2014 at 8:39 pm (10 years ago)

      I agree, this does bring a new perspective. So many people can benefit by what we share.

  2. Rebecca Baranowski
    February 10, 2014 at 4:07 am (10 years ago)

    I love the idea of an about me page and just created my own. I like how you included the pictures of what it looked like when you googled yourself. Can you share how you did this? I would love to do something similar later on down the road!

    • Amanda Brace
      February 11, 2014 at 8:38 pm (10 years ago)

      I took a screen shot of my results, and then I imported the picture into my blog post. I would be lost without screen shots! I do it all the time.


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